VirusTotal Upgrade Documentation (3D Liveness))

  1. Upgrade the SDK to version 3.0.9

    implementation ''
  2. After syncing gradle, you may encounter import errors. Change the import path of the error classes from ai.advance.liveness.lib to aai.liveness, as follows:

    import ai.advance.liveness.lib.GuardianLivenessDetectionSDK;
    import aai.liveness.GuardianLivenessDetectionSDK;
  3. The IMediaPlayer.isPlayEnable() method has been removed. Use mLivenessView.isSoundPlayEnable() as a replacement.

  4. If the LivenessActivity is located in ai.advance.liveness.activity, modify the package path for this class. Do not use ai.advance.liveness as the class path.

    If you are relying on the UI library, modify the dependency version as follows (UI library does not need to be updated to 3.0.9):
    implementation ''

  5. Modify the path of the LivenessView node in the XML to aai.liveness.LivenessView.

  6. Changes to the proguard rules:

    -keep class aai.liveness.Liveness3DMaskView

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