iOS 3D liveness detection SDK change logs and release history

v3.5.0 (2024.12.24) Download

  1. Update PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file.
  2. NSMotionUsageDescription no longer required.
  1. Enhance SDK security.
Migration Guides

v3.4.1 (2024.11.13) Download

  1. Fixed the issue where the language property of AAILivenessViewController was not working.
Migration Guides

v3.4.0 (2024.9.09) Download

  1. Fixed the issue of PARAMETER_ERROR potentially occurring under some specific conditions.
Breaking Changes
  1. Renamed the pod module AAILiveness to AAILivenessUI.
  2. Minimum iOS version from 9.0 to iOS 10.0.
  1. Upgraded the AAINetwork module to version 1.0.3.

  2. Updated the AAILivenessViewController class to enhance some UI details.

    • Changed the default loadingView from AAIHUD to AAILoadingHud.
    • Migrated the _backBtn and _wrapView's frame to auto layout.
    • Automatically added a leftBarButtonItem when the navigation bar is visible.
  3. Changed AAIImgs's bundle format from AAIImgs.bundle to AAIImgs.xcassets.

  4. Now AAILivenessUI module support pod static linking. See the static link for more detail.

New Features
  1. Support customize localizable strings by provide a AAILivensss.strings resource file. See the FAQ for more detail.

  2. Add the following delegate methods to the AAILivenessWrapDelegate protocol:

  3. Update class AAILivenessViewController, and add the following methods to AAILivenessViewController.h:

  4. Add the property hudBrandColor to the AAILivenessViewController class to customize the color of the loading view(AAILoadingHud). The default color is 0x5BC413.

Migration Guides

v3.3.0 (2024.6.30) Download

New Feature
Migration Guides

v3.1.3 (2024.6.17) Download

Migration Guides

v3.1.2 (2024.1.23) Download


About video recording feature.

By enabling this feature, the SDK will activate video recording. After the completion of the liveness process, you can retrieve the video file using SDK methods. The video file format is .mp4. Please note that this video can only be obtained through the SDK and cannot be obtained from the backend. After using the video, it is up to you to decide whether to delete the local file.

  1. Enable video recording:

  2. Get video file:

New Features
Migration Guides

v3.1.1 (2023.12.26) Download

Migration Guides

v3.1.0 (2023.12.15) Download

New Features
Migration Guides

v3.0.7 (2023.12.07) Download

  1. Improved stability and fixed memory leak bug.

  2. Updated class AAILivenessViewController and ajust the ellipse size to enhance the user experience.

  3. Support market AAILivenessMarketBPS.

  4. Support return the AAILivenessImageData sequence list by calling the following method:

  5. When migrating from 3.0.5 to this version, you need to:

    1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness and AAINetwork to the following value:

    2. Then run pod install.

v3.0.5 (2023.10.12) Download

  1. Fix the blank page issue on some devices.

  2. Add 'DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT' error code for AAILivenessFailedResult.

  3. Support certificate pinning.

  4. Upgrade AAINetwork to v1.0.2.

  5. When migrating from 3.0.x to this version, you need to:

    1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness and AAINetwork to the following value:

    2. Then run pod install.

v3.0.4 (2023.9.05) Download

  1. Breaking changes:

    1. The imageSequenceList method in the AAILivenessResult class has been marked as unavailable. Please use [result getImgBase64Str] and [result getNearBase64Str] methods to compose the image sequence.
  2. Other update:

    1. Fixed motion sensor value bug in event tracking logs.

    2. Fix the spelling issue in the Thai translation for the localized key 'move_center'.

    3. Migrate the prepare timer logic from AAILivenessViewController.m to SDK internal.

    4. When migrating from 3.0.x to this version, you need to:

      1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness to the following value:

      2. Then run pod install.

v3.0.3 (2023.7.26) Download

  1. Improve captured image quality.

  2. When migrating from 3.0.x to this version, you need to:

    1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness to the following value:

    2. Then run pod install.

v3.0.2 (2023.7.20) Download

  1. Fixed the bugs related to the ineffective retry button on the default result page.

  2. Fixed the bugs related to incorrect failure reason in event tracking logs.

  3. When migrating from 3.0.x to this version, you need to:

    1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness to the following value:

    2. Then run pod install.

v3.0.0 (2023.7.10) Download

  1. The property configAvatarPreviewPath and configAvatarPreviewPathV2 of AAILivenessViewController are no longer supported.

  2. From version 3.0.0, motion detection has been removed, so the properties and methods related to motion detection will not have any effect.

  3. When migrating from 2.0.7 to this version, you need to:

    1. Change the download link of module AAILiveness, AAINetwork to the following value:

    2. Then run pod install.

For 2D liveness detection change logs and release history, see here.