From v2.0.1, we refactored the code and aligned most of the js api with the android side, so please refer to the table below when migrating from the old version to v2.0.1.
old method name | new method name |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.initWithMarket("your-market") | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.initSDKByLicense("your-market", false) |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.initWithMarketAndGlobalService("your-market", isGlobalService) | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.initSDKByLicense("your-market", isGlobalService) |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.init("your-access-key", "your-secret-key", "your-market") | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.initSDKByKey("your-access-key", "your-secret-key", "your-market", false) |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.configDetectOcclusion(true) | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setDetectOcclusion(true) |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.configResultPictureSize(600) | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setResultPictureSize(600) |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.configUserId("your-reference-id") | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.bindUser("your-reference-id") |
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.configActionTimeoutSeconds(10) | AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setActionTimeoutSeconds(10) |
See this part to get SDK download link.
Download SDK and extract it, then go into the example directory:
cd example
Install packages:
yarn install
Go into the ios
subdirectory and install pod dependencies:
cd ios && pod install
Go into the example directory and start Metro:
cd .. && yarn start
Modify example/App.js
to specify your market and license content(The license content is obtained by your server calling our openapi).
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.initSDKByLicense("AAILivenessMarketIndonesia", false)
let licenseStr = 'your-license-str'
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setLicenseAndCheck(licenseStr, (result) => {
run example app:
react-native run-ios
or open example.xcworkspace
in Xcode and run.
If your react-navive version >= 0.60, you can refer this part to intergrate react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk
First rename the folder name react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk-V{sdkversion}
to react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk
, then we can try to integrate the SDK. There are two ways to integrate the SDK:
As local package:
folder to your react-native project.yarn add link:./react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk
As remote package:
folder to your private git repository, make sure the name of your repository is react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk
.$ npm install git+ssh://git@{your-git-domain}:{your-git-user-name}/react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk.git --save
Add pod dependencies AAINetwork
and AAILiveness
to your Podfile
target 'example' do
config = use_native_modules!
use_react_native!(:path => config["reactNativePath"])
pod 'AAINetwork', :http => '', type: :tbz
pod 'AAILiveness', :http => '', type: :tbz
After integrate the SDK then we link SDK to iOS project.
cd ios && pod install
Then add camera and motion sensor (gyroscope) usage description in Info.plist
as bellow. Ignore this step if you have added those.
<string>Use the camera to detect the face movements</string>
<string>Use the motion sensor to get the phone orientation</string>
Download the AAILivenessSDK and AAINetwork, then extract them and add AAILivenessSDK
folder, AAINetwork.xcframework
to your project:
Add the RNLivenessPlugin
folder to your project.
In Xcode, choose "TARGETS -> General" add the following system libraries and frameworks in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
In Xcode, add camera and motion sensor (gyroscope) usage description in Info.plist
as bellow. Ignore this step if you have added those.
<string>Use the camera to detect the face movements</string>
<string>Use the motion sensor to get the phone orientation</string>
Rename index.js
to AAIIOSLivenessSDK.js
, then add this js
file to your react native project.
import AAIIOSLivenessSDK from 'react-native-aaiios-liveness-sdk';
// Import SDK (react-native < 0.60)
//import AAIIOSLivenessSDK from '{your AAIIOSLivenessSDK.js path}';
SDKTest() {
/// Optional
// Get SDK version
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.sdkVersion((message) => {
console.log("SDK version is ", message)
// Step 1. Initialize SDK
// The last boolean value represents whether the Global service is enabled or not, and is set to true if it is, or false if it is not.
// Market available value are as follows:
// AAILivenessMarketIndonesia
// AAILivenessMarketIndia
// AAILivenessMarketPhilippines
// AAILivenessMarketVietnam
// AAILivenessMarketThailand
// AAILivenessMarketMexico
// AAILivenessMarketMalaysia
// AAILivenessMarketPakistan
// AAILivenessMarketNigeria
// AAILivenessMarketColombia
// AAILivenessMarketSingapore
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.initSDKByLicense("AAILivenessMarketIndonesia", false)
/// Optional
// Configure SDK detection level
// Available levels are "EASY", "NORMAL", "HARD". Default is "NORMAL".
// Note that this method must be called before "setLicenseAndCheck", otherwise it won't take effect.
/// Optional
// Set wheher to detect occlusion. Default is false.
/// Optional
// Set action detection time interval. Default is 10s.
// Note that this value represents the timeout for a motion,
// not the total timeout for all motions.
/// Optional
// Set the size(width) of output `img` in `onDetectionComplete`.
// Image size(width) should be in range [300, 1000], default image size(width) is 600(600x600).
/// Optional
// Set the action sequence. Available action type are "POS_YAW", "BLINK", "MOUTH"
// the first boolean value indicates if the given actions should be shuffled.
// Default action sequence ["POS_YAW", "BLINK"] and the order of them is random.
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setActionSequence(true, ["POS_YAW", "BLINK", "MOUTH"])
/// Optional
// User binding (strongly recommended).
// You can use this method to pass your user unique identifier to us,
// we will establish a mapping relationship based on the identifier。
// It is helpful for us to check the log when encountering problems.
// Step 2. Configure your license(your server needs to call openAPI to obtain license content)
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.setLicenseAndCheck("your-license-content", (result) => {
if (result === "SUCCESS") {
} else {
console.log("setLicenseAndCheck failed:", result)
showSDKPage() {
var config = {
/// Optional
showHUD: true,
/// Optional
/// Specify which language to use for the SDK. If this value is not set,
/// the system language will be used by default. If the system language is not supported,
/// English will be used.
/// The languages currently supported by sdk are as follows:
/// "en" "id" "vi" "zh-Hans" "th" "es" "ms" "hi"
language: "en",
/// Optional
/// Set the timeout for prepare stage, default is 10s.
/// This value refers to the time from when the sdk page is displayed to when the motion detection is ready.
/// For example, after the sdk page is presented, if the user does not hold the phone upright or put the face in the detection area,
/// and continues in this state for a certain period of time, then the `onDetectionFailed` will be called,
/// and the value of the "errorCode" is "fail_reason_prepare_timeout".
prepareTimeoutInterval: 10,
/// Optional
// Set the color of the round border in the avatar preview area. Default is clear color(#00000000).
roundBorderColor: "#00000000",
/// Optional
// Set the color of the ellipse dashed line that appears during the liveness detection. Default is white color.
ellipseLineColor: "#FFFFFF",
/// Optional
// Whether to animate the presentation. Default is true.
animated: true,
/// Optional
// Whether to display animation images. Default is true. If you set false, then animation images will be hidden.
showAnimationImgs: true,
/// Optional
// Whether to allow to play prompt audio. Default is true.
playPromptAudio: true,
// Step 3. Configure callback
var callbackMap = {
// Optional
onCameraPermissionDenied: (errorKey, errorMessage) => {
console.log(">>>>> onCameraPermissionDenied", errorKey, errorMessage)
this.setState({message: errorMessage})
// Optional
For `livenessViewBeginRequest` and `livenessViewEndRequest`,
these two methods are only used to tell you that the SDK is going to start sending network requests and end network requests,
and are usually used to display and close the loadingView, that is, if you pass showHUD: false, then you should in method `livenessViewBeginRequest` to show your customized loading view
and close loading view in method `livenessViewEndRequest`. If you pass showHUD: true, then you do nothing in these two methods.
livenessViewBeginRequest: () => {
console.log(">>>>> livenessViewBeginRequest")
// Optional
livenessViewEndRequest: () => {
console.log(">>>>> livenessViewEndRequest")
// Required
onDetectionComplete: (livenessId, base64Img) => {
console.log(">>>>> onDetectionComplete:", livenessId)
You need to give the livenessId to your server, then your server will call the anti-spoofing api to get the score of this image.
The base64Img size is 600x600.
this.setState({message: livenessId})
// Optional
The error types are as follows, and the corresponding error messages are in the language file of the `Resource/AAILanguageString.bundle/id.lproj/Localizable.strings` (depending on the language used by the phone)
In fact, for the type of error this function gets, you don't need to pay attention to it, just prompt the error message and let the user retry.
onDetectionFailed: (errorCode, errorMessage) => {
console.log(">>>>> onDetectionFailed:", errorCode, errorMessage)
this.setState({message: errorMessage})
// Optional
This means sdk request failed, it may be that the network is not available, or account problems, or server errors, etc.
You only need to pay attention to the `errorMessage` and `transactionId`, `transactionId` can be used to help debug the specific cause of the error, generally just prompt the errorMessage.
onLivenessViewRequestFailed: (errorCode, errorMessage, transactionId) => {
console.log(">>>>> onLivenessViewRequestFailed:", errorCode, errorMessage, transactionId)
this.setState({message: errorMessage})
// Optional
// This means that the user tapped the back button during liveness detection.
onGiveUp: () => {
console.log(">>>>> onGiveUp")
this.setState({message: "onGiveUp"})
AAIIOSLivenessSDK.startLiveness(config, callback)
and showAnimationImgs
and prepareTimeoutInterval
.Support to initialize SDK with license.
NativeModules.RNAAILivenessSDK.configLicenseAndCheck("your-license-content", (result) => {
if (result === "SUCCESS") {
// SDK init success
Support face occlusion detection(only in the preparation phase, not in the action detection phase), this feature is off by default, you can turn it on if needed.
Support Mexico,Malaysia,Pakistan,Nigeria,Colombia.
See Compliance Explanation for more details.